The other day, I began teaching Zerin about time signatures and note values. He has a very logical mind and I was trying to help him see the mathematical side of the the notes. We began with whole note, half note and quarter note. I then asked what he thought would come next. He kept guessing 1/5, 1/6, and finally said "No, don't tell me - it's a pint! A gallon?" I'm sure it's not a good teacher moment to burst out laughing, but sometimes I can't help it.
We then discussed how it makes sense to then have a sixteenth note and a thirty-second note. At that point Zerin stopped, and said "THIRTY-TWO! That's JIMMER'S number! Ooooohhhhhhhhh!"
Where else will Jimmer pop up? I just love the little things all around us that children notice, appreciate and express.
I think I'm gonna love reading your,......this blog. Not just because you are teaching my grandchildren, but for all the children you teach and comments they too will make, (hopefully). Ah to be as a little child............