Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Confident Musician Incentive Program

Most incentive programs are based on the number of minutes or days that the student practices.  This approach does not guarantee that the student is practicing productively – that is, troubleshooting and solving problem areas.  I don’t want students to mindlessly play through their pieces.

For some students who haven’t been practicing, the lesson becomes piano practice instead of a lesson.  We work on one piece and move on before the piece has been perfected at home.  Students feel demotivated when we stay on a piece for months.

This new program will hopefully motivate the student to do their practicing and studying at home.  Each student will accumulate points throughout the fall semester and the winner will receive two tickets to the GetAir Trampoline Park.  This is a contest that any student at any level can win.  Points will be awarded as follows:

1.       1 point each week that the student returns with the notebook provided to them by me.  This includes the sticky note with instructions on it.
2.       2 points for each day of practice.  The practice form will need to be filled out during the week and not during lesson time.
3.       2 point for each page they “pass” off at a lesson.  I will no longer be passing off songs if they were “sort of correct.”  Students must play them “almost completely correct” to pass off.
4.       1 point for each page completed in their theory book.  Also 1 point for each worksheet completed (handouts to complete at home or at the lesson.)
5.       2 points will be awarded for every 10 minutes of theory study from either of these sites:  or
6.       1 point (or more) for every memorized page, for writing in note names and / or counting for a song.
7.       5 points for every musical performance attended (school concerts, community concerts, etc.)
8.       15 points will be awarded to any student who joins the one minute club.  Parents should work on the flashcards at home with their students each week.  This is every note of the grand staff (without ledger notes) – a total of 22 flashcards.
9.       5 points will be awarded for any “performance” – this includes playing for FHE, church, school, etc.
10.   25 points will be awarded for participating in the recital.  15 points will be awarded if the music is not memorized.
11.   Additional points may be awarded for a great lesson, reaching goals, games played at lesson, flashcard proficiency, etc.

Points will be recorded at each lesson. 

In addition to your regular recitals we will give a Christmas recital at a local senior center.  (15 points will be awarded for participating in this non-mandatory recital.)

Good luck to all students!